Men's and Women's Retreat
Friday, March 6, 6:00pm -
Sunday, March 8, 12:00pm
The Lodge at Sleepy Creek: Berkeley Springs, WV
*$250 if you enroll by January 1
Transformative engagement with a beautiful wild cave is the centerpiece of Tracking the Seed, this unique weekend-long personal growth retreat. Open to all adults, Tracking the Seed takes place at a beautiful lodge in Berkeley Springs, WV (about an hour and a half's drive from Washington, DC), where you will spend the weekend exploring your inner need to grow and change, and the obstacles that may stand in your way. On Saturday afternoon, we will bring the exploration process underground, into the wild halls of a nearby limestone cave. The cave environment offers an unmatched setting for pursuing transformation and self-knowledge, as well as the opportunity for deepening your connection with the earth.
Similar to all of my workshops, Tracking the Seed is structured as a rite of passage: a community-supported and nature-engaged gathering, brought together for the purpose of supporting individual growth. Rites of passage are pan-cultural and time-honored tools for change, for which there is no modern equivalent. Tracking the Seed is an "open-content" rite of passage, which means that the workshop provides the structure, tools, and supportive environment for change, but you fill in the details: your own unique culture, belief system, and life story, as well as the specific changes you are hungry for. We offer you a gateway into your personal depths, some tools to explore it, and a way to get back home - but it is you who will decide where you will go when down there, and what you want to take back with you.
Visit our Tracking the Seed workshop description or Contact Keely for more information.